Hey there. Thought it would be nice of me to let you in on some news eh? I made some great friends last week, partied a lot, had lots of fun. Parties are fabulous in Bangkok. Nobody is cocky, everybody just has fun, pure fun. I've also had the opportunity to spend some quality time with my brother and mentor, Patrick. He's showing me what Bangkok is all about. I met one of Patrick's best friends, Nathan who is a great guy, crazy party animal. He manages construction projects in Phuket. Great guy, great character. At last i come across people that are worth it. Got really sick in Romania meeting so many fake people, liers and that are not worth hanging out with. Thank God i got out!
Anyway I have some good news. It seems Patrick, the one and only Universal Player, made me his new business partner. I was shocked when i heard it but i cannot wait to start working with him and proving to him that this was one of the most beneficial decisions he has made. He will never regret it. I will put every bit of effort and energy in my work and passionately start organizing parties. If you are a possible client, please remember this: I will make your parties unforgetable. Coming from Romania(a country that tries really hard to copy all luxury parties from across Europe), i know all about parties and how to make everything ROCK!Letting the business aside, i want to recommend a really good book for you readers. It's been out for a while and there's also a movie inspired from it. The book is called “The Secret” written by Rhonda Byrne. It is a great book, inspiring. It is a really peaceful book that talks about a law, the only law existent on this Earth. It is the law of the Universe. The law of attraction. Let's quote: “What you think about, you bring about.” How true. Think of disaster, you bring disaster, think about roses, you receive roses. It's kind of hard to explain the book to you. You should really check it out, buy it, go somewhere quiet and read it. Don't just read it, think about what you're reading, feel the book. I always try to get what the author wants from me, what he felt when he wrote the book, i don't just finish a book and start a new one. It's waste of time. Visualize what you're reading. Ok my friends that's about it for this post. I'll let you in on some pictures. Videos are coming soon.
“All life is an experiment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson